Having a painful thought?
Question it – is it true? Can you absolutely know it’s true? etc (Byron Katie – The Work) Question it – what cognitive distortion is at play here? Bookmark0
Having a painful thought? Read More »
Question it – is it true? Can you absolutely know it’s true? etc (Byron Katie – The Work) Question it – what cognitive distortion is at play here? Bookmark0
Having a painful thought? Read More »
Use NVC Find Peace (my free online tool for getting to clarity and peace) Questions If this was the first time this had ever happened, would you be reacting this way? What would i have to do to make things worse? (Or, To feel worse?) What if the opposite was true? What if I focused
Emotional Processing Read More »
Here’s a simple yet effective exercise for challenging or changing negative beliefs. In my experience, affirmations by themselves don’t work – my brain just goes “nup. nup. nup.” This is a different approach, where you kinda “weed out” the bits that are going “nup”. Give it a go. I find it extremely powerful! Find a
Belief Changing Exercise, by Bob Mandel Read More »
It’s hard for me to catch a thought when I’m depressed. I’m so identified with them that they don’t even seem like thoughts, more like “lived realities”. But if I can notice a thought I’m having (like “it’s too hard”, or “no-one cares anyway”) then I can do something with it, like processing it with
If I’m not finding the answer to a question, like “How can I feel better?”, try the opposite question eg “What would I have to do to feel worse?”, or even “What do I need to do to stay right where I am?”, or “What would I need to have done to get where I
Exercise from the book Prescriptions without Pills If you were angry with someone or something other than yourself, who or what might it be? Who appears bigger, you or them/it? If them … Pump yourself up (like a balloon, or anything that works) until you’re the size you’d like to be, in comparison to them From