Having yet again had it pointed out to me (thanks, Life!) just how completely wrong I’ve been (Jonathan, Sharon Key, blah blah blah), and realising just how much I made my life miserable, I’m now so excited by the possiblity of giving up the concept that I know what’s going on. Imagine: I feel like crap, and instead of going “Oh, I know, I’m depressed”, I just go, “I feel like crap” and go to bed. And when I wake up, who knows? And the idea that if I’m confused about what’s going on, that I can work it out by thinking about it – how crazy is that? “If I can work out what that person thinks of me … ” … ha ha ha! Imagine how it would be to not think that … to be with that person, totally open to whatever they’re doing or saying in the moment. It’s where all our diagnosis and judgement come from – the attempt to kid ourselves we know what’s going on, that we have some control over it. And that’s Part B … giving up the concept that even if I knew what was going on, I could control the outcome of it (including other people’s thoughts and beliefs).