“Unfucking” whilst the kettle boils

When I’m depressed, I can’t think. I stand in the middle of my kitchen in despair, looking at all the mess around me, utterly overwhelmed, having no idea where to start. Of course, that also starts the story in my head of how crap I am, I can’t even tidy a kitchen, blah blah blah.

Go and put the kettle on. If you notice you’re bored standing there waiting for it to boil, do ONE small thing. That might be as big as filling the sink with hot soapy water and throwing in some of the dishes. It might be putting away the tomato sauce that’s on the bench. Just something small, something you can face. 

And then go and make your tea/coffee, and enjoy it.

With many thanks to Unfuck Your Habitat for the general idea

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